Thursday, January 31, 2013

Fashionista has an interesting article posted regarding the alleged trend of bloggers buying their own 'swag' in order to be considered VIP's (aka wtffff??)

Now, I have no doubt that there exists many a blogger that does do that. We are a largely enumerated and varied group and a lot of us are tiny little blogs trying to gain acclaim or in many cases, notoriety, through these blogs to try to equal that of a chosen (and lucky as HELL) few.

We've all heard that some bloggers are considered the new fashion editors. They sit f-row at the shows and get endorsement deals, collabs, and swag we could only dream of. However, we all know that this is a very limited little club that too many people want to be a part of.

If people that actually have followers and have gotten swag in the past engage in this action, they're clearly trying to ape the behavior of their most famous bretheren. It's a lie and a form of cheating, honestly. It would be as if I, with this tiny blog read only by myself and like spambots, were to post that I had gotten a load of Dior stuff for my awesome blogger prowess. It would be patently untrue and would just be an attempt at making myself look cool at MY OWN EXPENSE.

Now, I have nothing against looking cool, in fact I fucking love it but I would never buy stuff and claim it was given to me. It would imply that I had some sort of relationship with a company that knows nothing about me and that is just plainly bullshit. I don't like to insult myself this harshly and in unwarranted way but it's akin to a Kardassian claiming they're getting free swag from ze Karl himself. It would never happen and brains would explode if it did (logically because FUCK THAT) but that is the type of lie these bloggers are creating and perpetuating with this trend.

As I've clearly stated, I'd never engage in such behavior because I find it repugnant but I can see why some are drawn to this way of trying to create street cred.

No thanks, I'll create street cred the old fashioned way: puppy bowl coverage!!!! With a kitty halftime included of course. Why? Because thats just how I roll.

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