Saturday, March 16, 2013

Kiss ass-y post about "Not Your Mother's She's a Tease Volumizing Spray"

So, thanks to influenster, I was the recipient of a very cute and very FREE bottle of Not Your Mother's She's a Tease Volumizing Spray. I didn't expect much from it because it did some research and noticed that it isn't considered a very high end brand but I decided to try it. It was free and I have extremely flat hair. Seriously, I never worried about volume until my twenties and no joke, my hair keeps getting flatter every year.

I've been trying many a product and not the cheapie kind either but everything has it's pros and cons so I'm glad to say I was pleasantly surprised with Not Your Mother's and was able to do my quiff look (quiff! q-u-i-f-f! dirty minded ones!) with a load of volume. Seeing as the price is point is right on for someone that has to budget their ass off right now (finally found and got a place! I'm very excited but very broke... as a joke), this brand is perfect for my currently shallow pockets.

Get it! You won't regret it! (lolll I'm a huge dork and for that I apologize)
The volume is there and the smell is great (for me, at least) but there is some debate about olfactory enjoyment. I think you actually have to smell it yourself to make a decision but as a sensitive migraine getting bitch about fragrances, I can assure you it's not bad at all.

Now, I initially got a deluxe sample size from influenster but I've already ordered the regular size and am even looking at other products in the brand. Why? Because I realize that it doesn't have to be super expensive to be good and I always, ALWAYS love finding a bargain.

Do I recommend this?

Yes, yes I do. Especially if you're a fan of quiffs, victory rolls, and Bardot hair. If you don't know what those things are, get thee to google now!!!

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