Sunday, April 14, 2013

Birchbox April Box Update

If you read my box review, you know that two items were missing in my birchbox this month. I emailed them fairly quickly but decided to go EXTREME (loll) and actually call the toll free number.

I don't usually resort to calling and hate talking on the phone but I've realized that email is super slow and old school calling can actually resolve a problem a lot faster. Sooo, I went ahead and called and the CS rep I spoke to was super nice and knowledgable. This is definitely a check in birchbox's favor because the rep I spoke to was polite and knew what she was talking about; professionalism people! I explained my problem (missing samples!!! why would they do this to me?!?! I'm just an innocent sample loving girl and they're robbing me of my sample innocence!! etc. etc.) and told me that because I was missing more than two samples, they'd try to ship out a new box and if they weren't able to do so, they'd contact me in 48 hours or so. I like solid answers and relatively solid timeframes so I am currently a happy camper. 

The 'missing sample saga' isn't over yet but at least I know that birchbox is willing to help me find a solution and that makes me feel better about forking over $10 to them every month. I'll update this post when a solution is reached but I wanted to put this out there in case anyone is wondering about maybe joining bb but is unsure of how they respond to customers (super duper important!). That's why I'm doing this little psa (the more you know! *star and rainbow thing*) about having to contact customer service. All I know is this: I want my samples!!!! 

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