Thursday, June 27, 2013

Whimseybox June '13 Review

Good news everyone!!!

Guess what I got in the mail today? Well, judging from the title of this post, you already know but I'm still excited so here goes:

my June Whimseybox !!!!!!!!

So without further ado, here is the review (preview: this month's project is cray cray at first sight but I'm totes doing it):

First of all, this box was really heavy when I got it and that made me wonder what was inside. I never everrrr thought it was cement mix. But yep, cement mix is involved. As are apparently live plants and more washi tape (!!!!!!)


Even more excitement!!!!!!! 

Omg Omg Omg!!!!!


Those captions truly capture my train of thought whilst opening the box. To be honest, I went wtf a couple of times before actually looking at the instructions and what I was supposed to make which is:

Yep, a cement planter or candle holder, a tealight is included. 
This month's Whimseybox theme is 'Cement All The Things' so, yes, cement plays a big part in it. The box includes the following:

1 (big ass) Bag of cement mix (to be mixed with water so easy peasy)

3 Rolls of Washi Tape in: pink geo pattern, teal geo pattern, black/grey geo pattern (aka score!!!)

3 Plants? They seem to be live plants and I'm not huge on botany so I'm confoooosed to say the least.

1 Tea Light (for the candle holder option)

1 2-Sided pattern page for the cement molding (Pattern One- Icosahedron and Pattern Two- Octahedron) and possible geometry related nightmares ;)

1 Nice postcard/instruction insert

1 Stick-On Label for the craft box.

And it all comes packed in a craft box and tied up with a ribbon (blue this month).

So, how hard does this month's project seem?

Not very. Honestly, the only work you have to put in is mixing the cement. After that's set you basically stick something in the hole (whooo! double entendre!) and decorate the holder with washi tape. It isn't the most exciting project that I've seen but I'm actually interested in doing it because I've never worked with cement before.

Plus, this self-contained project with straightforward instructions is what I'm all about. Whimseybox does a good job of sending unexpected projects and I'm liking that. If all we got was yarn and glue, I'd be out right quick. However, I like the fact that they're exposing me to new mediums that I would never think to try by myself. Actually, I love that. I came back to whimseybox for the crafty fun and the washi tape (omg I'm in loooooove with washi tape) and now I think I might be in love! Plus the shipping was super fast aka a wonder in the time of fedex slowpost and UPS 'why make it easy to get something when we could send it to 18 regional hubs before getting to you' sub box deliveries. What else can I say? Not much besides saying that crafts are awesome and not for grandmas or whatever the stereotype used to be!

$15/month but $10 for 1st month here
Ability to earn free boxes! 
As of now, yes! I'm on a crafting binge and I'm currently in love with this box. However, please remember that you should only sub if you actually love crafting or really want to try a project or two to get started. Another pro worth mentioning is that this sub is accesible for beginners and has uncomplicated projects so if you're new to the crafting craze, you can definitely start here. 

 As I always say, don't spend your money on anything you don't love! 


  1. ok i am signing up but oh lord don't let me get a cement project. the 10-years ago me says WAY COOL. the mom me says omg cement.

    1. Lolll I can see why cement would cause some concern if you have kids! I haven't seen many (if any) other cement projects so I think you're in the clear ;)
