Monday, September 16, 2013

Yes, I sucketh aka September Popsugar Must Have, Birchbox, Ipsy, Sample Society and Julep updates

Hi all, 

I've been persona non grata for a couple of weeks because it turns out that going back to school kicks your ass pretty hard.... hmmm ;) Also, I was getting ready for another cousin's wedding that I just got back from. It was a 3 day party and yes, I'm hung over but had a hell of a lot more fun than I ever expected to. But my feet hurt, oh boy do they hurt. Also, it was hot. REALLY HOT. Like 105 degrees (fahrenheit) or ~50 celsius hot and this is at night. AT. NIGHT.

So, I suck for not updating, I really do. The good part is that I've got like 3 boxes ready to go. I just found ipsy in my mailbox when I got home a few hours ago and I've got a sample society and I think Julep (did I already post that? I don't think so....) ready to be seen. I've got to say that I loved Julep's september box but my sample society box was meh. Why? It was a special all skin care box and I'm not (yet, at least) old enough to appreciate 4-5 skin cream/wrinkle care items. It was total suckitude for me but my mom was quite pleased (insert Dr. Evil smile here). I actually haven't opened ipsy  because I was busy sleeping (seriously 3 straight days of partying in infernal weather will leave you pooped, to say the least) so that's a little surprise yet to come. Speaking of surprises , I still haven't received my september birchbox  but I did check the items and it.... doesn't look good :( but on the bright side, my popsugar must have  is processing and should be shipped this week (they were late as hell on billing/shipping this month so it better be good!). 

Soooo, yes I've got some good stuff coming and thanks for being patient with me. I was seriously busy these past couple of weeks and this past weekend was pretty much the best time I've had since the last wedding (in May). Seriously, I was dreading going to these things but they were fun as fuck and I actually got to know the may bride's husband (my cousin in law?) and he's a G. No shit. I would've never known because he seems so reserved but it turns out you have to talk to people to get to know them. Who knew? ;D 

So, lessons I've learned this week:

  • Don't think everything will automatically suck always and forever
  • Don't judge people by the way they look (some of the coolest people I know now were people I thought would be judgmental of me!
  • Always try to enjoy life.
  • Keep reading my blog (Ok, so this one is doesn't really count) ;P
Now, back to our regularly scheduled box lovin' 

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