Friday, January 24, 2014

Dickens ain't got nothing on me*/ why I love whimseybox and glossybox


I haven't been able to post a damn thing in the past oh two or so months thanks to my terrible, just terrible luck. I'm still homeless (so that's two months and counting, almost three) so that's why I've had some issues with posting. However,  I've still been trying to keep up with some subs (I know! But I'm not paying, per se) so as to review them. I'm thinking I'll just start afresh this year and forget all the drama of the past two months. So, I'll get back to doing the posts as much as I can.

Since I had to ix-nay 90% of the subs due to my extremely dire situation (to the point that I'm starting to believe that someone is doing voodoo on me, guys. VOODOO.) However, I love doing this and I'm unhappy without my posts so here I am, rockin' you like a hurricane.

I got me a free (1000 points) January Glossybox and I'll be reviewing that as soon as it's in my greedy little hands. I might, however, have to use stock images of the items since I am still without camera, etc. and my pretty posting abilities are mighty limited. I do have to say that they seem to have gotten into the groove of things and have been quite stable with the shipping of the boxes. Plus, the samples are awesome, for lack of a better word (or my laziness when even thinking of trying to come up with one). I got a deluxe sample of Ardency Inn's Punker eyeliner marker in my last box and I was so excited because I'd been wanting to try it since I saw it on sephora's 'what's new' page a while ago. I'm hoping for and almost expecting good things. We shall see, though since counting on a good box is never the best idea!

Also, a super-duper OMG honorary mention to whimseybox (btw, if you use this link, you get $5 off your first box so it'd be a grand total of $10.00 SO WORTH IT if you love crafts, beginner, expert or in between) for making my month. I had some referrals and I knew I wouldn't be able to pay for my sub and they were incredibly nice enough to send me a big box with the October, November, and December boxes. They're the best and I hope to get back to craft happiness ASAP. Plus, the notepad included in the November box and the 2014 mini calendar included in the December box were icing on the cake. I love whimseybox and I seriously recommend them to any of my crafting peeps. Like 100% recommend them. I'll try to make a brief post on all the month's of boxes of stuff so you guys can understand the level of awesomeness I speak of!

I might be in the middle of what could conceivably be one of the worst periods of my life but I still love this and I'm tired of grimness and pain dominating my days. Peeps, I even ended up in the hospital last night because I couldn't stop vomiting all day. When you get that sick and then have to go back to a motel room but are grateful that you can even go back to a motel room, well that's when you know shit is rough. I'm gonna recover and I'm gonna fight all this shit. I'm putting this out there for posterity and for anyone who happens to read this tiny blog that being in what can only be described as the dankest pit of shit that life can offer doesn't have to kill your love of beauty (be it cosmetics or architecture or pastels, ribbons, painting, clothing, fashion, sunsets, cameos, ocean breezes, kittens or whatever) and even when you have to fight to remember that there is beauty left, keep fighting. I sometimes feel like I'm fighting a losing battle, that this will never end. Well, if it does end up that way: fuck it, I'm going down kicking and screaming.

Fuck it all, I'M BACK.

*reference to the tile of a Charles Dickens novel and general theme that has very much been a part of my life lately. If you don't get it, I'm totes disappoint.


  1. Hi Leslie, I feel obligated to tell you: the font on your blog is EXTREMELY hard to read. I don't know what your bounce rate or average user time on site is, but I'm sure your font choice is really hurting those numbers. I'm way outside of my regular neck of the internet woods and ended up on this blog somehow, so maybe your regular readers don't have a problem. But I strongly recommend you change your font to something more readable, especially if you are trying to increase your readership.

  2. Hi Leslie, I'm just your regular 20something who was just looking for a sub box review. BUT when I stumbled across your blog I had to read all the extra stuff cuz lets just be honest....your life sucks right now! And this probably doesn't mean shit to you, but I care! Sooooooo 1. I hope you are ok, even better than ok. I hope you have found a place to live, have food in your stomach, and are surrounded by people who genuinely love you. 2.Don't listen to Kwan douchbag Thakwz because some people can't seem to wrap their minds around other people's problems, and you can't worry about heartless souls like that! 3. I hope you keep blogging because darn it you are funny! Please please keep your head up

  3. Ok so apparently my first attempt at responding to you got erased which pisses me off to no end. Anyway, thank you so much for every word you wrote. It means the world to me and it actually made me cry because when things are bad, you seem to start losing faith in people but you just proved that there ARE good people out there and the fact that you made a hardened pessimist like me feel all warm and fuzzy should earn you a million bucks. Also, yes I have a place now and even though it's super far away from everything, I feel so freaking blessed (for lack of a better word) to be able to have somewhere to sleep every night and a place to keep my pets safe. Thanks to your post, I'm going to start posting again and just deal with stuff as it comes. The last post I wrote was probably at one of the lowest points in my life and it hurts to even re-read it but thankfully things have gotten better (though there are a lot of things that I wish would get better but I'm not one to look a gift horse in the mouth). So, to summarize this loooong reply, I was so happy to read your reply and it literally made my day and yes that other reply can suck a biiiig one (I wondered who the heck would think to say something as inane as font bitching but there you go...). I'm gonna get back to blogging and I hope you read my posts because I loved reading your reply.

    Much love (like kitten cuddle level),

